
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Genius Icing tip!!

The first time I tried icing baked goods, it was a bit of a messy process...and I wasted A LOT of icing.

I had misplaced the Wilton's reusable icing bag I had bought at Michael's so I improvised and used a cellophane bag... It should do right?

Wrong. Maybe I was doing it wrong but icing was oozing out everywhere.
Still I pressed on... After I had gone through several bags and half the icing I gave up, ran home and searched my room until I found the magic bag!

It's really not that magical but it was a MAJOR step up from the flimsy cello bags.

My nephew`s 100 day celebration is coming up and I`m so excited to make cupcakes but the thought of having to ice those babies was not something I was looking forward to... "magic" bag and all. It's just so messy and kind of gross to deal with, not mention the clean up (even with the vinegar trick).

THEN I came across this amazing video on how to ice baked goods with NO mess. How is this possible?? Well make sure you click that link and find out!

For those of you who don't want to watch a video, refer to the image below. It's pretty self explanatory.

That's what I call magical! Brilliant! Genius!

There's minimal mess and waste. Not to mention it's just SO easy to clean up! It's also uber handy when you want to use a variety of colours. 

In two weeks time, I`m gonna try this out and let you know how it goes! Wish me luck!


  1. Thanks for sharing, I've already started the research for my boyfriend's birthday , this will be really helpful! Last year the cake was amazing but the icing was a disaster!


    1. Hi Maria! I'm glad this is useful! I thought it was so simple, yet amazing! I'll be using this "trick" for my nephew's cupcakes. I hope it's as easy as it looks! Good luck!!

  2. Heey that is awesome! Definitely going to use this trick w/ the icing bag; I like how you barely have anything to clean! I'm going to my gran's house this weekend for her surprise bday party, I'll be sure to use this trick w/ the cupcakes I'm making. Not so sure about the colouring part though, what if it's blue & yellow? Hehe :)

    1. Thanks May! You mean going from blue icing to yellow icing? It's SO easy! And not messy at all. Check out the video - she uses 2 different colours!

  3. Thanks for posting this at Dwell on Fridays! I pinned it for future reference. I need a lot of work on icing! And thanks so much for the photography compliment - that's my favorite part of blogging :)!!!

    1. I do too! That's why when I saw this I knew I had to share it! One day maybe I'll get an SLR... a girl can dream. Thanks for all your comments Sarah and I love Dwell on Fridays! Keep it up!

  4. Wow, that is absolutely brilliant! Thanks for sharing, I have usually been too lazy to use a bag for frosting because of the clean up, but this changes everything! I found you via the Dwell on Joy link party.

    1. Hi Tina! Thanks for dropping by! No bag?? How do you do it??? I've tried bagless and it looks dreadful!
