
Thursday, January 26, 2012

DIY Sheep Frame

In a couple weeks, my youngest nephew is celebrating his 100 days! For what this whole 100 day (baek-il) celebration is all about, check out my post here.

It's going to be a very small family affair and since I'm swamped with school, I'm just doing some minor decorations for his celebration.

I wasn't sure about a theme but my sister and I were talking about her eldest boy being born in the year of the "golden pig", her middle son being born in the year of the "white tiger" and when I asked about her youngest son she said with a laugh, "Oh.. he's just a sheep".


(All this animal talk is in reference to the Chinese zodiac calendar. "Golden" and "white" mean they were special years. Our family is not into any superstitions or horoscopes but for whatever reason, we like to know what "animal" we are. Just for kicks I guess.)

When my sister said "just a sheep" we had a laugh about it. The poor kid won't feel so special next his brothers who are "golden" and "white". So for this 100 day celebration I decided to play up the sheep. 

Be proud and "Baaaa" loudly, little one!!

I took an old thrift store frame I've had for a while, cut some poster board and drew a sheep on it. 

Life: Designed

The frame photographed a bit gold but it's actually a nasty brown.

I went to the dollar store and got some cotton balls and glued away.

Life: Designed

When I first opened the bag of cotton balls, I was disappointed that they weren't the traditional cotton puffs like this:

But as soon as I started gluing them on, I realized I liked the rolled up look!

Life: Designed

So now the frame... I wanted the frame to be green and I thought about painting it but I didn't want to go out and buy paint... besides, what I really wanted to do was wrap the frame in yarn! How sheep-like!

And I knew just where to get me some yarn! My mom knitted my dad a dark green scarf for Christmas and so I snagged her left over stash.

After spending a good while wrapping the frame with yarn (it took a lot longer than I thought!) I finally ended up with this:

Life: Designed

Ta Da! And all it cost was a dollar for the cotton balls! 

It's gonna be hung on the wall along with some felt streamers that I'm making- more on that later!


  1. Hi Nancy, stopping by from Crafty, Scrapy, Happy link party. That sheep is so cute! I'm totally trying this (I have a niece and I think she will love it)I see you're new in blogland as I'm new too, it would be great if you could stop by my blog, too!
    Greetings from Spain

    1. Thanks for stopping by, commenting and following! I hope your niece loves it! Let me know how it goes.

  2. I just love all of your framed creations. You have a great talent! Thanks for sharing at Dwell on Fridays!

  3. Soo cute!!! Love it! Would love for you to come share your treasures at Feathered Nest Friday sometime! :)

  4. This is absolutely the cutest idea!

  5. That is one Of the cutest things I've ever seen! The rolled cotton balls is what totally makes it!

  6. Thanks so much ladies!
    Kimberly- I agree! I don't think it would have been the same with regular cotton balls!

  7. Awww Nate will totally appreciate that...heck he might try and eat the cotton!

    1. Haha.. Well he can trash it all he wants after the party! But he's so mellow.. I'm sure TJ will have a field day with it!

  8. What a great idea for a 100 day project! XO, Aimee
